Tips on how to grow Soyabeans

An ancient crop of the Orient, soybeans (Glycine max ‘Edamame’) are just beginning to become an established staple of the Western world. While it’s not the most commonly planted crop in home gardens, many people are taking to growing soybeans in fields and reaping in the health benefits these crops provide. Information on Soybeans Soybean plants have been harvested for more than 5,000 years, but only in the last 250 years or so have Westerners become aware of their enormous nutritional benefits. Wild soybean plants can still be found in China and are beginning to find a place in gardens throughout Asia, Europe and the Americas. Soja max, the Latin nomenclature comes from the Chinese word ‘sou’, which is derived from the word ‘soi‘ or soy. However, soybean plants are so revered in the Orient that there are over 50 names for this extremely important crop! Soy bean plants have been written about as early as the old Chinese ‘Materia Medica’ circa 2900-2800 B.C. However, it doesn’t appear in any European records until A.D. 1712, after its discovery by a German explorer in Japan during the years 1691 and 1692. Soybean plant history in the United States is disputable, but certainly by 1804 the plant had been introduced in eastern areas of the U.S. and more fully after an 1854 Japanese expedition by a Commodore Perry. Still, the popularity of soybeans in the Americas was limited to its use as a field crop even as recently as the 1900’s.
How to Grow
Soybeans Soybean plants are fairly easy to grow — about as easy as bush beans and planted much the same way. Growing soybeans can occur when soil temperatures are 50 F. (10 C.) or so, but more ideally at 77 F. (25 C.). When growing soybeans, don’t rush planting as cold soil temperatures will keep the seed from germinating and stagger planting times for a continuous harvest. Primis Player Placeholder Soybean plants at maturation are quite large (2 feet (0.5 m.) tall), so when planting soybeans, be aware that they are not a crop to attempt in a small garden space. Make rows 2-2 ½ feet (0.5 to 1 m.) apart in the garden with 2-3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm.) between plants when planting soybeans. Sow seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm.) deep and 2 inches (5 cm.) apart. Be patient; germination and maturation periods for soybeans are longer than most other crops.
Growing Soybean Problems
Don’t sow soybean seeds when the field or garden is overly wet, as cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome may affect the growth potential. Low soil temperatures will prevent germination of the soybean plant or cause root rotting pathogens to flourish. In addition, planting soybeans too early may also contribute to high populations of bean leaf beetle infestations.
Harvesting Soybeans
Soybean plants are harvested when the pods (edamame) are still an immature green, prior to any yellowing of the pod. Once the pod turns yellow, the quality and flavor of the soybean is compromised. Pick by hand from the soybean plant, or pull the entire plant from the soil and then remove pods.


Sow in May and early June 5cm (2in) deep in 7.5cm (3in) pots or trays of seed compost. Put in a propagator, or seal inside a polythene bag, and provide gentle heat to 18-20°C (64-68°F).

They can also be sown directly outside once the soil has warmed up in late spring.

After germinating grow plants on by placing on a light windowsill. Move seedlings into larger pots when roots appear through the drainage holes in the base.

Alternatively, seeds can also be sown directly outside once the soil has warmed up in late spring, ideally under fleece or cloches.


Gradually acclimatise indoor sown plants to outdoor conditions before planting out after all risk of frost has passed.

Soya beans prefer well-drained but moist soil in a sunny position.

Sow or plant 15cm (6in) apart in rows 45cm (18in) apart.

Plants can grow up to 1.2m (4ft) high, but are mainly self-supporting.

Hoe around plants regularly and keep well watered. Mulching during dry periods will help cropping.


When ripe beans are ready for harvesting, the leaves will start to fall from plants, often leaving just brown stems with lots of hanging pods from late September. The pods remain weatherproof during the autumn, so you can pick as required.

Beans are easy to store on the plants or in airtight containers. Harvested beans must be boiled for at least 10 minutes before eating to destroy any toxins.

Edamame beans are harvested unripe by pulling up whole plants.


Envy:Heavy crops of beans up to 60cm (24in).

Black Jet:A tough variety that crops well in poor summers.

Ustie:A fast-growing cultivar that has been bred specifically for the British climate.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Growing Soybeans: Information On Soybeans In The Garden

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